The How to Reach New People Workshop is most effective when followed by a year of cluster coaching to implement your Action Plan.

The year of Cluster Coaching includes monthly phone calls, alternating between pastors and whole teams, email support in between calls, and an in-person tune-up visit to the cluster at the six month mark.

Description of Cluster Coaching Calls:

Many people ask, "What actually happens on coaching calls?"  While every group is unique, below is a description of that often occurs on pastors' calls and team calls.

Pastors' Calls:

The most important feature of pastors' calls is "just-in-time coaching," coaching for the issues that are front and center for your church and need timely guidance.  

Other issues that are often addressed on pastors' calls include:

  • Leadership Style - Often the DISC profile is used to discuss leadership stile and how that affects reaching new people
  • Freeing up 20% of time for networking
  • Networking strategies and how to begin to invite new people
  • The use of time around what is "important" and what is "urgent"
  • Developing more leadership for the church
  • How to deal with resistance

Team Calls

Issues often addressed on team calls:

  • "Just in time coaching" around issues that are front and center
  • Building allies for this process of reaching new people
  • Developing regular member/guest activities and a culture of invitation
  • How to get out into the community and make connections
  • How to deal with resistance
  • How to celebrate success

The goal of all these calls (and the emails in between calls) is to help you bear fruit in your setting and to make a difference in the lives of the people and the community you serve.

The cost for one year of Cluster Coaching is $1500.