How to Turn Tippers into Tithers

A one-day workshop in which your pastor and finance team will learn how to cultivate giving from current and future donors.  The workshop is designed for interaction between the pastor and the finance leaders and requires both to attend.

This "how to" workshop includes:

  • Current realities facing your church
  • The reasons your pastor needs to see the giving and finances
  • Your pastor's role in raising stewardship awareness
  • The mistake of treating all donors the same
  • Strategies that produce generous donors
  • In the process of turning Tippers into Tithers, participants will gain confidence that they can help their congregations grow in faith through their giving

What People Are Saying...

In today's tough economic climate, I believe the Tippers to Tithers workshop should be on every church's "must attend" list.  The workshop is very practical and do-able for any congregation and the concepts can be applied immediately.  Best of all, by involving our lay leadership, our entire finance and stewardship team now share a common vision and strategy.  Tippers to Tithers not only provided us with education it inspired our team to lead the charge in our church.  Our entire team agreed it was well worth a Saturday!  Rev. Suzanne Katschke - Crosswinds UMC - Huntsville, AL

The information/experience that we received at this event should be classified as required for all pastors!  And...Jim Griffith is TOPS in all of his presentations.  He kept all of my folks on the edge of their chairs! Rev. John Mount - Aldersgate UMC - Birmingham, AL

This was the most informative, innovative Biblical way of talking about money and I am sure it will help to change our church. - shared by West Ohio District Superintendent, Rev. Marcus Atha, as expressed by a layperson who attended.